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АртикулОписание на английском языкеЗаменаГруппа продуктовЦена с учетом НДС 20%, Евро
304478CWM.MTH-K Qn 2,5 120C Pul.spa.0,25l512912141,214.59
304479CWM.MTH-K Qn 2,5 120C Pul.spac.0,5l512912141,214.59
304483CWM.MTH-K Qn 6 120C Pul.spac. 2l512912141,743.56
304482CWM.MTH-K Qn 6 120C Pul.spac.1,5l512912141,684.56
304484CWM.MTH-K Qn10 120C Pul.spac. 2l5512912142,372.75
304487CWM.MTH-K Qn15 120C Pul.spac. 6l512912143,584.80
304480CWM.MTH-XKA Qn 2,5 120°C Pul.spac. 1l512912141,235.21
304440CWM.WS-T-DKGM DN 80/PN16 Pul.spac. 20l512912143,600.16
302251Diaphr. DN20-25 ET DHV-S51991910145.90
302252Diaphr. DN32-40 ET DHV-S52992010196.04
302250Diaphragm DN10-15 ET DHV-S5199191090.57
303140Diaphragm valve 607 DN10 PVC-U FPM man10000000219.06
303301Level electrode relay ER-104/B 230V 50Hz70119010594.59
303009Plug 1/4″ with gasket St1000000018.41
304213Pressure gauge 63 mm 1-10 bar10000000106.64
304208Pressure gauge 63mm 0-10 bar5107181093.06
304204Pressure gauge 63mm 0-2,5 bar1000000058.69
304210Pressure gauge 63mm 0-2,5 bar70080000180.08
304212Pressure gauge 63mm 0-6 bar 1/4″H.7011901036.60
304207Pressure gauge 63mm 0-6 bar51071810178.59
303816Silencer 1/4″1000000051.84
303814Silencer R1/2″ no.573.610000000109.57
304011Sleeve 1/2″ D. 8x120mm st.st.10000000242.05
303091Sol.valve290A MS1/2 230V50/60 Hz10000000974.22
303077Solen. valve 283A 32 11/4″ 220V/60Hz100000002,032.06
303057Solenoid V.256A12 1/2″ 220/5070009000488.67
303058Solenoid V.283A20 3/4″ 230/5070009000727.86
303034Solenoid val.190 A 25 B 1″ 220V100000002,135.78
303029Solenoid val.208 A 20 F 3/4″220V100000001,276.86
303006Solenoid val.330 C 3 B 1/4″ 42V10000000642.77
303004Solenoid val.331 C 3 B R1/4″220V10000000507.26
303003Solenoid val.331 D 3 B R1/4″230V10000000711.94
303019Solenoid val.6013 A 3 3/8″ MS/FPM 230V70029000557.96
303042Solenoid valve 1/2″ 9207800 220V100000001,124.09
303024Solenoid valve 180 A 10 B 3/8″230V 50Hz10000000481.36
303036Solenoid valve 216A 4 B 1/4″220V10000000570.73
303092Solenoid valve 256A 12 1/2″ 220V/60Hz10000000734.96
303073Solo.Valve181A 25B G1″ 220V 50Hz700800001,631.01
303098Spool 220V/50Hz f.2/2way type18110000000389.13
302716Strainer 305 DN15 PVC-U FPM 0.5mm70029000390.97
302717Strainer 305 DN20 PVC-U FPM 0.5mm10000000260.01
302715Strainer 305 DN25 PVC-U FPM 0.5mm10000000276.74
304015Temp.relay MK9163.12/230V,50Hz10000000455.45
304013Thermometer 2455 R70009000269.48
304007Thermostat EMF110000000253.63
303060Valve 186-A-13-B 1/2″220V10000000706.22
243230Accumulator 2.0 l DN20 PV510712102,299.14
243235Accumulator 2.0 l DN20 w.air. PV510712105,073.75
243231Accumulator 4.0 l DN25 PV510712102,842.51
243236Accumulator 4.0 l DN25 w.air. PV510712105,619.62
243232Accumulator 8.0 l DN40 PV521212103,914.22
243237Accumulator 8.0 l DN40 w.air. PV521212107,099.18
300302Anti return valve H-1/4-B II 12bar1000000064.85
300324Anti return valve D1B-125 0,2 bar52992010449.66
300330Anti return valve easy G 1 MS10000000265.16
300331Anti return valve easy G 11/4 MS10000000484.24
241303Blower SKGS160 230/400V+-10% 50100000003,461.67
241304Blower SKG180-2 230/400V+-10%50H100000004,190.93
240514Booster pump CH 2/30 400V 50Hz 0,33 kW700090002,674.38
240547Booster pump CH 4/40 400V 50Hz 0,65 kW700080003,154.47
240515Booster pump CH 2/50 38o-415 50z 0,69 kW700090002,877.74
240544Booster pump GG 16mł/h 2,3bar 400V 2,2kW700080007,880.29
240542Booster pump GG 24mł/h 2,3bar 400V 3 kW7000800010,408.50
240541Booster pump GG 32mł/h 2,3bar 400V 4 kW7000800010,408.50
240539Booster pump GG 40mł/h 2,3bar 400V 4 kW7000800010,408.50
240537Booster pump GG 48mł/h 2,3bar 400V 5,5kW7000800012,488.66
300508Butterfly valve70080000753.39
300520Butterfly valve Z011-S WN DN100 Hypalon70080000931.29
300522Butterfly valve Z011-S WN DN50 Hypalon700800001,372.00
300521Butterfly valve Z011-S WN DN65 Hypalon700800001,391.09
300519Butterfly valve Z011-S WN DN80 Hypalon700800001,349.01
242804E.agitator.prop.SB2 140/250l PVC10000000224.84
242802El.mixer propeller PP5158801022.46
243608filling and test dev. for puls.damp50bar521220201,371.95
243609filling and test dev.for puls.damp250bar521212201,371.95
240275Frequ.conv. ES1C 1.5 kW IP54521218148,378.97
240285Mot. 1.50KW 4p 230/400V 50/60Hz529900001,524.72
240425Motor cockvalve 3-way DN40 220V700800004,787.48
240531Motor control700800002,203.69
300143Neadel-valve R11/2″out MS58 PN1670080000793.35
300146needle valve R1/2″ in brass58 PN1005299000098.27
300140Needle-valve R3/4″out MS58 PN1670080000287.49
300141Needle-valveR1 «out MS58 PN1670080000306.61
300142Needle-valveR1 1/4″aus MS58 PN1670080000728.20
302113pressure reducing valve 1/2″ 0,5-2bar10000000688.92
302106pressure reducing valve DO 6 F, 1″70119010284.27
302104pressure reducing valve DO 6 F, 1/2″70119010573.19
302108Pressure reducing valve DO 6 F, 11/2″70119010748.81
302114Pressure reducing valve DO 6 F, 2″701190101,552.52
302105pressure reducing valve DO 6 F, 3/4″70080000580.07
302107pressure reducing valve DO 6F, 11/4″70119010922.41
243601Puls.dampener 0.5l 200barG 3/8 SS/Viton510712125,413.39
243602Puls.dampener 1.0l 120barG 3/4 SS/Viton510712126,801.91
243603Puls.dampener 2.5l 40barG1 SS/Viton510712124,115.34
243604Puls.dampener 5.0l 40barG11/2 SS/Viton510712125,370.58
300104Shut off valve 1/2″ brass70009000110.10
300206Shut-off valve 1″ brass7011901081.58
300208Shut-off valve 11/2″ brass70119010163.31
300207Shut-off valve 11/4″ brass70119010140.47
300209Shut-off valve 2″ brass70119010227.75
300205Shut-off valve 3/4″ brass7008000078.54
300203Shut-off valve 3/8″ brass1000000057.64
240445Solution-device TVi.52-R1″-100000001,593.89
242781static mixer type 034/6 SS51588010660.05
242780static mixer type 100/6 SS701190102,700.74
242783static mixer type 112/6 SS701190104,064.34
242782static mixer type 114/6 SS701190103,405.13
242754Stirr. SB4 500l 220-240V PVC515880102,147.38
243591Suction-air 0.5 l DN15 PVC/FPM51071210639.72
243592Suction-air 1.0 l DN20 PVC/FPM51071210710.32
243593Suction-air 2.5 l DN25 PVC/FPM51071210811.23
243594Suction-air 5.0 l DN40 PVC/FPM529910101,165.37
301411Valve 3/8″ ,8 mm brass7000900098.69
243607wall mounting bracket d 10851071212186.11
243606wall mounting bracket d 11451071212181.07
243605wall mounting bracket d 9051071212160.98
203318Adapter G3/4″1000000021.57
204237Alu flex tube NW 8010000000107.41
203308Distributing head 63mm10000000112.43
203313Distributor finger 145mm1000000028.81
203315Distributor finger 205mm1000000057.64
202004Eductor 565 DN10 PAE 2.0mm70029000326.39
202059Ejector Pump PVC KT4 Typ 43-3701190102,106.77
203422Filter nozzle KSP 8-281000000025.99
203420Filter nozzle KSP 8-28 0,5 slot1000000021.34
203421Filter nozzle KSP 8-28 0,2 slit1000000022.19
240153Frequ.conv. 207S 1.5 kW IP545212181413,523.92
204211Glass tube AD 30 x1,4×1180 Duran/Simax7000900035.61
204234Heater 1500W 220V10000000423.67
204251Heater Ultromat TD 18.2070119010326.72
202211Hopper f. AT 1000700800002,621.35
202212Hopper f. AT 2000700800002,732.49
202213Hopper f. MT1000701190101,560.25
202216Hopper for MT2000701190101,670.23
202024Injector PVC DN 65/ sz.6 200700080004,919.18
202035Injector type SK 2″x3/4″ 3.2315100000001,556.46
202032Injector type SK 2″x3/4″ POM-H black100000002,043.55
202001Injektor PVC NG 0,5- 10 DN 20/15/20700080001,625.56
202002Injektor PVC NG 01 — 20 DN 20/15/20700080001,670.58
202028Injektor PVC NG 02 — 40 DN 32/20/32700080002,187.84
202027Injektor PVC NG 04 — 80 DN 40/25/40700080002,991.92
202026Injektor PVC NG 06 -120 DN 50/32/50700080004,089.35
202025Injektor PVC NG 08 -160 DN 65/50/65700080003,891.57
202023Injektor PVC NG 12 -240 DN 65/50/65700080004,314.96
202021Injektor PVC NG 16 -320 DN 80/65/80700080006,937.00
202020Injektor PVC NG 20 -400 DN 80/65/80700080004,870.94
202018Injektor PVC NG 24 -480 DN 100/80/100700080009,510.93
202016Injektor PVC NG 28 -560 DN 100/80/100700080009,477.42
202017Injektor PVC NG 32 -640 DN 125/100/1257000800015,042.23
202015Injektor PVC NG 36 -720 DN 125/100/1257000800014,101.86
240131Mot. 0.18KW 4p 290/500V 50Hz51071812578.25
240181Mot. 0.37KW 4p 290/500V 50Hz51071812945.84
240162Mot. 0.75KW 4p 290/500V 50Hz521218121,423.88
240167Mot. 1.50KW 4p 230/460V 60Hz521218122,775.65
240134Mot. Exd 0.75KW 4p 230/400V 50Hz521218126,202.84
240256Mot. Exd 2.20KW 4p 230/400V 50Hz521218129,719.25
240118Mot. v.fv 0.75KW 4p 230V 3x521218123,352.17
240139Mot. v.fv 3.00KW 4p 230V 3x519900004,952.99
202230no text10000000423.67
204210Ozon-tube AD 30×1,4 830mm Duran/Simax70009000121.40
204252Pipe Heater Ultromat TD 30.2070119010706.05
204253Pipe Heater Ultromat TD 38.2070119010435.55
202505Press. Relief valve SS-4R3A5 1/4″NPT521210141,080.89
240147Servomotor HM 115 V / 60 Hz510718121,131.96
202524Spring relief valve R3A 103-155bar5212101448.41
202523Spring relief valve R3A 155-206bar5212101449.93
202522Spring relief valve R3A 206-275bar5212101449.93
202520Spring relief valve R3A 24,1-51,7bar5212101449.93
202521Spring relief valve R3A 275-344bar5212101449.93
202525Spring relief valve R3A 51,7-103bar5212101451.84
202519Spring relief vlv R3A 3,4-24,1bar5212101449.93
202225Vacuum handpump 1L PVC/EPDM51071220783.42
202030water jet pump PVC KT2 TYP23-3100000001,046.25
202053Water-jet pump PVC KT Typ33-2701190102,008.08
202052Water-jet pump PVC KT2 Typ23-4701190101,681.57
202054Water-jet pump PVC KT5 Typ53-2701190101,871.27
202057Water-jet pump PVC KT6 Typ63-3701190102,360.11
202210Wetting cone f. MT 250/500701190101,431.14
200320Accumulator size I 1.4571519900001,604.85
145162Display HK5299101014.72
145160Display HM5199291014.82
145542Dos.head 70 x 12.5 hc 38 PP1000000060.50
145541Dos.head 70 x 16 hc 38 PP1000000060.50
145540Dos.head 70 x 22 hc 38 PP1000000060.50
145531Dos.head 70 x 22 hc 50 PP5199000052.80
145530Dos.head 70 x 34 hc 50 PP5199000052.80
146204Flushing pipe for DF «85»5199000026.42
200683Key+lock for cap on chem.tank5158801041.67
200691Lid+lock+key for chemical tank10000000196.04
200316no text70009000549.91
200317no text70009000241.05
150953ORP-probe RHEK-Pt -FE 301B53024016298.41
150887ORP-probe RHEK-PT -SE Topras53024016292.77
150153ORP-probe RHEP-Pt -SE Neukum53024014410.02
150952ORP-probe RHEP-Pt -SE SLg10053024014403.21
150939ORP-probe RHEP-Pt-FE 502M53024014404.46
150932ORP-probe RHER-Pt -FE 502M53024030443.18
150802ORP-probe RHES-Pt -FE 302S Aquacontrol53024010367.33
150681ORP-probe RHES-Pt -FE 0,45S Aquacontr.53024010356.29
150942ORP-probe RHES-Pt -SE Witty53024012342.12
150150ORP-probe RHES-Pt -SE WtWertheim53024010354.68
150717ORP-probe RHES-Pt -SE Aquacontrol53024010306.90
150718ORP-probe RHES-Pt -SE SLg100 Aquacontrol53024010306.90
150021ORP-probe RHEX-Pt -FE 310S53024010563.33
150922ORP-probe RHEX-Pt -FE 502M53024040562.70
150933PH -probe PHED-112-FE 502M53023032481.36
150091PH -probe PHEK-112-FE 301B53023010265.51
150886PH -probe PHEK-112-SE Topras53023016273.25
150673PH -probe PHEP-112-FE 303S53023010347.02
150689PH -probe PHEP-112-FE 305O53023010321.18
150931PH -probe PHEP-112-FE 502M53023014216.70
150928PH -probe PHEP-112-FE 510M53023014280.43
150929PH -probe PHEP-112-FE 510O53023014360.55
150684PH -probe PHEP-112-SE Syclope53023014336.60
150951PH -probe PHEP-112-SE SLg10053023014347.14
150690PH -probe PHER-112-FE 301B53023010414.58
150923PH -probe PHER-112-FE 502M53023030369.18
150935PH -probe PHER-112-FE 505M53023030344.01
150873PH -probe PHER-112-FE 505O53023030146.58
150874PH -probe PHER-112-FE 510O53023030464.54
150738PH -probe PHER-112-SE Neukum53023030367.25
150801PH -probe PHES-112-FE 302S Aquacontrol53023010365.15
150680PH -probe PHES-112-FE 0,45S Aquacontr.53023010353.61
150079PH -probe PHES-112-FE 301B53023010294.29
150926PH -probe PHES-112-FE 301S53023010320.86
150946PH -probe PHES-112-FE 302B SLg Aquacon.5302301043.56
150877PH -probe PHES-112-FE 302M53023012332.23
150101PH -probe PHES-112-FE 303O53023010296.91
150941PH -probe PHES-112-SE Witty53023012329.52
150123PH -probe PHES-112-SE Rösler53023010352.17
150682PH -probe PHES-112-SE Syclope53023010295.20
150149PH -probe PHES-112-SE WtWertheim53023010352.17
150709PH -probe PHES-112-SE neutral53023012309.39
150716PH -probe PHES-112-SE SLg100 Aquacontrol53023010306.90
150023PH -probe PHEX-112-FE 310S53023040492.86
150906PH -probe PHEX-112-FE 502M53023040489.08
150084PH -probe PHEX-112-FE 510O53023040472.68
150025PH -probe PHEX-112-FE 510S53023010446.08
145127Pin d 10 transparent519900001.49
145126Plug level socket 13.6×8.1 PE519900000.54
200692Plug G3/4 HDPE5158901030.17
145118Stroke adj.bolt M10x80 natur 6PA519900002.00
200236Tank f.Ozon.destroyer 300-003.04 500mm700090002,015.68
200237Tank f.Ozon.destroyer 300-003.04 1000mm700090002,391.39
200670Tank lid d16/R3/8″ PVC70009000261.89
200671Tank lid d20/R3/4″ PVC/EPDM10000000201.74
141128Back plate 70×22 PPE RAL50035199000026.42
141129Back plate 70×34 PPE RAL50035199000024.90
141112Back plate 70×34 PPE RAL70165199000027.70
143903Clamp plate d23x10,5RAL7011 PVC519900005.99
143913Clamp plate D23x12,5 RAL7032 PP512930202.65
143914Clamp plate D23x16 RAL 7032 PP S.Assm512930201.47
143902Clamp plate d23x8,5 RAL7011 PVC S/A519900007.55
143912Clamp plate D23x10,5 RAL7032 PP S.A.512930201.98
143905Clamp plate d23x16 RAL7011 PVC S.A.519900003.02
143901Clamp plate d23x6,5 RAL7011 PVC SuctAss519900000.97
141208Disc 12.7×9.3×1 PVDF700800006.37
140754Disc d 13 / d 9.5×1 PP MFV519900001.28
140760Discharge red. conn. d 8/6 — G 1/4 PP5199000010.57
140744Discharge valve 6 PP519900001.49
140751Discharge valve R1/4″ 8 mm PP SuctAss519900004.53
140757Discharge valve R3/8″ 12 PP SuctAssm519900004.53
142030Float 25 for level switch PVC1000000054.77
142045Float pliers -form D24x23 PE MFV519900005.53
142063Float switch cable 3m PE5109141677.98
142037Float switch,cable 1,5m PVC S/A5199000090.57
142062Float switch+cord 2ph. 2m PC1/PE5109141656.59
142085Float switch+cord 2ph. 2m PP1/PE5109141652.80
142064Float switch+cord 2ph. 5m PC1/PE5109141670.38
142086Float switch+cord 2ph. 5m PP1/PE5109141665.42
142068Float switch+cord 2ph.5m PVDF51091416100.63
142089Float-sw. w. plug 2m PP15109141690.57
142071Float-sw. w. plug 2m PVDF51091416100.63
142090Float-sw. w. plug 5m PP151091416100.63
142058Float-sw.+flat con.2ph. 5m PC1/PE5109141690.57
142056Float-sw.+flat con.2ph.2m PC1/PE5109141680.45
142088Float-sw.+flat con.2ph.5m PP1/PE51091416100.63
142049floating body PP1000000083.63
140748Footvalve underpart M20x1.5 PP SuctAs519900005.02
142051Level switch with plug 2m PVC5109141680.45
142052Level switch with plug 3m PE5109141680.45
142053Level switch with plug 5m PVC5109141690.57
144320Measuring device 60 l51990000191.18
144321Measuring device 140 l51990000201.21
144323Measuring device 1000 l51990000349.65
144322Measuring device 250/500 l51990000218.87
142029Plate for float 25mm PVC100000001.11
143049Sieve guard fil. 230my Sz.III SS51990000122.34
144145Sieve round d 21.5/630my 1.4401100000002.30
144146Sieve round d.18mm 250my 1.4571529900002.58
144123Sieve round d.30 670my 1.4404 FDA100000004.59
144112Sieve round d.44mm 600my PP S/A5299000014.42
144118Sieve round d.44mm 710my PET529900002.17
144115Sieve round d.44mm 600my 1.4404 FDA5199000015.61
144109Sieve round d.44mm 610/684my PVC S/A.519900002.25
144113Sieve round d.63mm 600my PP529900008.92
144110Sieve round d.63mm 610/684my PVC5299000013.82
140756Slit bushing d 11 PP100000004.87
142047Solenoid switch NR.122312 5m-cab10000000204.64
140743Suction conn. d6 — G1/4 A PP519900001.49
140752Suction conn. R1/4″ 8mm PP519900004.53
140758Suction conn. R3/8″ d12mm PP519900004.25
140915Trans.window Plexi Makro-TZ5299101026.20
145102Transparent cover A781000000012.66
140907Transparent cover EXB_5299000030.28
140755Union nut d 8 PP519900002.00
140759Union nut d12 PP519900002.25
140742Union nut d6-G1/4 PP GF30519900001.28
141205Valve body f.vent valve PVDF519900005.53
140753Valve bushing 8x12mm PP SuctAssm519900000.97
140740Valve insert 6 mm PP519900000.97
141206Valve needle f.vent valve PVDF519900002.25
140769Valve upper part 6/8 1/4″ PP519900005.27
140741Ventilating valve body 6 mm PP519900004.25
104215Ball seat bush. M20x1.5 DN10 S52990000216.22
104207Ball seat bush. M24 DN15 S51991910196.22
140412Blanking plug IL 4-044 d4.4 V-0100000001.11
140448Blanking plug IL4-073 d7.3 V-0100000000.18
104233Connect. set 6x 5 SS51091614108.19
104237Connect. set 8x 7 SS51990000120.77
104245Connect. set 12×10 SS51091614198.70
104234Connect. set sing. 6x 5 SS5199000065.42
104238Connect. set sing. 8x 7 SS5199000061.63
104246Connect. set sing. 12×10 SS51091614108.19
140620Cup Dulcofilt KW DN 50-1005199000064.57
140554Disc d13/d9.5×1 PVC519900001.49
140532Discharge conn. 6 PVC519900009.54
140557Discharge conn. R3/8″-d12 PVC SuctAs5199000015.33
140551Discharge conn.R1/4″-d 8 PVC SuctAssm5199000014.82
140564Discharge red. conn. d 12/6 PVC5199000014.33
140568Discharge red.conn. d 8/6 PVC Suct.As519900006.30
140535Filter plate PVC519900003.31
140519Footvalve underpart M20x1.5 PVC519900007.26
140221Hand wheel Makro-TZ52991010178.69
140220HUB Hostaform C Makro-TZ5299000022.19
140510Intermediate discharge valve PVC100000009.23
140594Locking cap for 1/2″519900000.52
140593Locking cap for 3/4″519900000.54
140595Locking cap for 7/16″519900000.15
140592Locking cap for M 20519900000.97
140501Metering valve body OR-s d6-G1/4 PVC519900008.06
140444Plug GMP 500 B78100000000.85
140453Protect.cap IL4-500 f.R1 1/2″ PE100000002.58
140408Protecting cap black519900003.31
140435Protecting cap DA 14 SuctAssm519900006.04
104232Ring set d 6 1.44015109161416.33
104236Ring set d 8 1.44015109161419.60
104244Ring set d12 1.44015109161431.46
140503Slit bushing d 11 Hard-PVC519900001.28
140449Stopper IL4-348519900001.73
140451Stopper IL4-119 f.R1/4″ PE100000000.85
140420Stopper d13 PE519900002.06
140439Stopper f. tank 140/250/500l519900005.79
140419Stopper GPN 300 type F 4100000000.85
140424Stopper GPN 500 B58700800001.10
140427Stopper GPN 600 type B 243539900000.74
140431Stopper GPN 610 type U 3100000000.85
140418Stopper GPN 900 type A 10,5700800001.93
140630Stroke adjuster bolt 45mm Ryton100000003.80
140631Stroke adjuster bolt 60mm Ryton100000003.80
140633Stroke adjuster bolt DA 5 PA 6519900004.25
140569Suction red. conn. d 8/6 PVC5199000014.33
140565Suction red. conn. d 12/6 PVC5199000014.33
140513Suction conn. 8 mm PVC519900009.54
140531Suction conn. d6 — G1/4 A PVC-U519900009.54
140552Suction conn. R1/4″ d= 8mm PVC519900007.55
140558Suction conn. R3/8″ d=12mm PVC5199000015.08
104231Union nut d 6 1.44015199000032.73
140561Union nut d 8 P519900006.30
104235Union nut d 8 1.44011000000041.77
104243Union nut d12 1.44015109161472.99
140562Union nut d12 PVC MFV519900007.78
104216Valve body G 3/4-DN10 S51991910389.90
140730Valve body G 1 1/4-DN20 PP519919109.83
140726Valve body G 1 -DN15 PP SUCT.ASSM5199191010.57
140544Valve body G 1 1/2-DN25 PVC S/A5199191010.31
140734Valve body G 1 1/2-DN25 PP SuctAssm5199191010.31
140540Valve body G 1 1/4-DN20 PVC SUCT.AS519919109.83
140578Valve body G 1 -DN15 PVC SUCT.ASSM5199191010.31
140553Valve bushing 8+12mm P SuctAssm519900007.26
140530Valve insert 6 mm PVC-U519900000.74
104213Valve seat bush. M56/DN40 1.458152992010331.47
140538Valve upper part 6 PVC519900004.53
140534Ventilating valve body 6 mm PVC519900001.49
104205Ball seat bushing DN25 WST1.458110000000236.35
102050Base EXB_ E/G52991010351.65
33933Blank 326x37x2mm Pertinax539900009.54
104011Conn. rod Makro-TZ529910101,028.97
102065Hood EXB_E/G529920101,227.85
102048Housing EXB_ E/G529910101,193.27
102028Lid throttle body1000000032.52
39543Masterbatch PP grey RAL 7035 MOULD.10000000158.58
101728Motorflange 160/90 0.6020 Makro-TZ52991010195.92
39545PA GF35 nature MOULDING1000000025.39
39523PC transparent MOULDING10000000115.30
30550Pipe 20 x 1.2 x 470 grey PP519900009.83
30551Pipe 20 x 1.2 x 870 grey PP5199000017.38
30872Pipe 10 x 1 PVDF5107161472.99
30516Pipe 16 x 1.8 PN10 grey PP1000000011.81
30521Pipe 20 x 1.9 PN10 grey PP1000000014.42
30526Pipe 25 x 2.3 PN10 grey PP100000006.44
30541Pipe 40 x 3.7 PN10 grey PP SuctAss1000000037.50
30512Pipe 12 x 2.0 PN20 grey PP SuctAss100000003.18
30517Pipe 16 x 2.3 PN16 grey PP SuctAss519900003.76
30520Pipe 20 x 2.8 PN16 grey PP SuctAss5199000015.87
32320Plate 3mm, red Gum10000000587.96
32120Plate grey 7011 20mm PVC100000001,132.76
32101Plate grey-RAL 7011 1mm PVC7008000041.50
32104Plate transparent 3mm PVC10000000394.89
39566PP GF30 nature MOULDING1000000057.64
39552PP GK20 nature MOULDING1000000069.14
39634PPE GF20 black RAL 9005 (BS)5199000035.27
39502PVC grey RAL 7011 MOULDING1000000057.64
39562PVC grey easy fl. RAL 7011 MOULDING1000000034.60
39554PVDF nature NSF — FDA MOULDING52990000354.51
34315Rod 15mm polished PMMA1000000061.53
34810Rod 30mm PVDF natural colour10000000556.29
34012Rods grey 7011 12mm PVC1000000014.42
34090Rods grey 7011 150mm PVC100000001,049.17
34025Rods grey 7011 25mm PVC1000000056.14
34520Round rod 20mm RAL7032 grey PP5199000032.73
38005Saran-PVDC-web 600/30051990000263.69
37309Silicon hose d.11/9mm FLOW.CON.1000000013.82
103220Spring housing EXB_52992010328.58
103221Spring housing «SB» EXB_52992010328.58
37011suction pipe 12/8mm plasticised PVC519900005.79
103128Tr.cp.red brass DF1-2/DS3/4-11/210000000106.64
37202Tube d 4/ 2mm PE510916121.28
37215Tube d 8/ 5mm PE FDA510916121.73
37208Tube d 8/ 6mm PE700090004.97
37003Tube d 4/ 2mm Soft-PVC510916121.28
37008Tube d 8/ 5mm Soft-PVC510916121.73
37414Tube d 1.75/1.15mm PTFE510916124.53
37428Tube d 12/ 9mm PTFE FDA5109161232.71
37016Tube d 16/12mm Soft-PVC519900004.79
37020Tube d 20/15mm Soft-PVC510716128.83
37022Tube d 22/18mm Soft-PVC5107161210.79
37421Tube d 3.0 /1.5 mm PTFE5109161216.07
37415Tube d 3.2 /2.4 mm PTFE510916128.83
37205Tube d 6/ 4mm PE S/A FDA510916121.28
37427Tube d 8/ 5mm PTFE FDA5109161218.83
37430Tube d 19/16mm PTFE FDA5107161265.42
37217Tube d 12/ 9mm PE S/A FDA510916122.00
37426Tube d 6/ 4mm PTFE FDA5109161213.04
37006Tube d 6/ 4mm Soft-PVC S/A510916121.28
37013Tube d 12/ 9mm Soft-PVC S/A510916123.31
37032Tube fabric reinf. d 6/12mm Soft-PVC510916124.25
37036Tube fabric reinf. d 10/16mm Soft-PVC1000000015.92
37040Tube fabric reinf. d 16/24mm Soft-PVC5109161211.05
37041Tube fabric reinf. d 19/27mm Soft-PVC5107161213.04
37043Tube fabric reinf. d 25/34mm Soft-PVC5107161216.07
104206Valve body G 1 -DN15 S51991910384.85
34682Washer d 71+2 x 32+2 PTFE+25%carb.52990000256.39
14111Angle 35X5mm ST.371000000059.13
14313Angle alu 30x30x3mm AlMgSi0,51000000061.93
14319Angle alu 60x30x4mm AlMgSi0,510000000109.57
1003146Bimetal thermometer HW 10 brass1000000041.77
1047680Bimetal Thermometer NG100529900002,108.17
1003830Bimetal thermometer stainless type 296110000000348.76
806117contact sheet metal stroke counter TZ5299101031.96
13720Flat material 20x 4mm 3.32061000000011.33
1037546metal hose d10 mm length 400 mm52992010497.18
718307Metal resistor 0,7W 0,1 Ohm519900004.25
718115Metal resistor 1/4W 1% 51 Ohm519900000.74
718120Metal resistor 1/4W 1% 110 Ohm529930100.85
718122Metal resistor 1.3K Ohm 0.6W 1% 0207519900000.74
718101Metal Resistor 1/4W 1% 4,70 Ohm100000000.85
718166Metal resistor 1/4W 1% 910 K Ohm100000000.85
718047Metal resistor 100K Ohm 0.6W 1% 0207529930100.85
718058Metal resistor 1M Ohm 0.6W 1% 0207100000000.85
718051Metal resistor 220K Ohm 0.6W 1% 0207100000000.85
718157Metal resistor 270K Ohm 0.6W 1% 0207519900000.74
718186Metal resistor 390K Ohm 1W 1%529900000.18
718042Metal resistor 39K Ohm 0.6W 1% 0207539900000.74
718043Metal resistor 47K Ohm 0.6W 1% 0207100000000.09
718055Metal resistor 560K Ohm 0.6W 1% 0207100000000.85
30169No text availiable1000000050.90
15738Pipe 6 x 0.5 1.45715107161057.58
15739Pipe 6 x 1 1.45715107161057.58
30106Pipe 6 x 1.0 PN16 RAL7011 PVC-U519900001.96
15740Pipe 8 x 0.5 1.457151071610108.19
30108Pipe 8 x 1.0 PN16 RA 7011 PVC-U519900006.76
30110Pipe 10 x 1.2 PN16 RAL7011 PVC-U100000006.04
15743Pipe 12 x 1 weld. 1.45715107161015.87
30112Pipe 12 x 1.0 PN16 RAL7011 PVC-U5519900005.79
30116Pipe 16 x 1.2 PN16 RAL7011 PVC100000009.23
30117Pipe 16 x 1.8 PN16 RAL7011 PVC SuctAs1000000012.36
15750Pipe 20 x 1 welded 1.43011000000086.46
15728Pipe 22 x 2 x 920 1.457110000000236.35
30125Pipe 25 x 1.5 PN10 RAL7011 PVC1000000013.82
30135Pipe 32 x 2.4 PN16 transp. PVC1000000089.35
30134Pipe 32 x 3.6 PN16 RAL7011 PVC1000000033.53
30150Pipe 50 x 3.7 PN16 RAL7011 PVC1000000057.64
30151Pipe 50 x 5.6 PN16 RAL7011 PVC7008000044.08
30153Pipe 63 x 3.0 PN10 RAL7011 PVC7008000068.99
30154Pipe 63 x 4.7 PN16 RAL7011 PVC70080000111.18
30156Pipe 75 x 5.6 PN16 RAL7011 PVC7008000044.61
30158Pipe 90 x 6.7 PN16 RAL7011 PVC7008000059.47